Thursday, September 6, 2018

WP1 Proposal

Youtube Community-- Vloggers -- Daily Vloggers -- Casey Neistat 

Image result for casey neistat gifImage result for youtube community

Electronics -- Portable -- works w/o wifi -- iPhone

Image result for iphone xImage result for cellular

Clothing Brands-- expensive -- men -- Dolce and  Cabana
Image result for dolce and gabbana men suitImage result for dolce and gabbana men suit

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

PB1B- Inspecting Genre Generators

The first generator I messed around with was the SCIgen generator. Going on to this generator, I did not really know what to expect. I've never used a generator like this one before. 

This particular generator generates random science papers without much context. The conventions I noticed were good formatting and the separation of ideas (introduction, methodology, implementation and analysis). 

I also noticed that the paper consisted of diagrams and charts that supported the point they were trying to make. Lastly, the generator included their related work to bring light to their other projects as well as references to show where they acquired some of their experimental ideas.  

The second generator I looked into was a meme generator. Before actually looking around the site, I already had an idea about what the website would consist of because memes are always used on social media. A meme could be a gif or a still image that contains a funny caption intended to make someone laugh. The caption is usually a statement that almost everyone can relate to. 

Image result for when your mom memeImage result for shook meme

 The third generator I used was a comic strip generator. This particular generator generated random comic strips with various themes. A typical comic strip is colorful, short, tells a story, has some type of action, easy to read, and somewhat humorous. 

The last generator I chose to do was a social media bio generator. Before I examined the site, I assumed that the generator would generate a short, funny, and random bio. When messing around with it, my assumption was right. It generated short bios that were intended to be humorous and weird. 

As you can see, there are many types of genres out there and each has its own set of particular conventions. Knowing the conventions that each genre consists of can help someone easily understand the genre. For example, you can see that a meme, bio, and  comic strip all have the conventions that are intended to make the audience laugh but in different ways. Knowing that a comic strip has a story telling aspect while a meme does not can help you distinguish the two. On the other hand, with the science paper, knowing that a science paper consist of a more formal presentation and is more structured than the others you can easily tell the purpose of the paper and the particular point it is trying to convey.