Thursday, October 11, 2018

PB2A (3-5)

Research Q's

How does the morality of a person change over time when exposed to traumatic events?

Is pure evil the ‘thing’ that drives violence?

Does belief in pure evil determine the aggression of a person? If so, in what ways?

How would outsourcing morality to artificial intelligence impact interaction in society?

Key terms:
pure evil
artificial intelligence

  • Bain, D. (2013). What makes pains unpleasant? Philosophical Studies: An International Journal for Philosophy in the Analytic Tradition, 166(S1), S69-S89. doi:10.1007/s11098-012-0049-7
  • Dayton, C. J., & Malone, J. C. (2017). development and socialization of physical aggression in very young boys. Infant Mental Health Journal, 38(1), 150-165. doi:10.1002/imhj.21622
  • Shank, D. B., & DeSanti, A. (2018). Attributions of morality and mind to artificial intelligence after real-world moral violations. Computers in Human Behavior, 86, 401-411. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2018.05.014
  • Weierstall, R., Huth, S., Knecht, J., Nandi, C., & Elbert, T. (2012). Appetitive aggression as a resilience factor against trauma disorders: Appetitive aggression and PTSD in german world war II veterans. Plos One, 7(12), e50891. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0050891
  • Wieland‐Burston, J. (2012). Holocaust victims and perpetrators. Journal of Analytical Psychology, 57(4), 413-424. doi:10.1111/j.1468-5922.2012.01983.x

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

PB2A 1&2

Forensic Psychology

Dr. Russ Webster

In this field, Dr. Webster studies prejudice, stereotyping, discrimination; belief in pure evil and belief in pure good.

Dr. Gayle Schwark

Dr. Schwark focuses primarily on cognitive and social psychology. She studies the common errors in reasoning and the impact of morality on decision making.

If had to devote my time to one those topics, it would be the impact of morality on decision making. I feel like if we were to fully understand how the brain works and how messed up thinking come about then we would better know how to assess the needs of those with such thoughts and hopefully prevent them from acting on those thoughts.  

Thursday, September 6, 2018

WP1 Proposal

Youtube Community-- Vloggers -- Daily Vloggers -- Casey Neistat 

Image result for casey neistat gifImage result for youtube community

Electronics -- Portable -- works w/o wifi -- iPhone

Image result for iphone xImage result for cellular

Clothing Brands-- expensive -- men -- Dolce and  Cabana
Image result for dolce and gabbana men suitImage result for dolce and gabbana men suit

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

PB1B- Inspecting Genre Generators

The first generator I messed around with was the SCIgen generator. Going on to this generator, I did not really know what to expect. I've never used a generator like this one before. 

This particular generator generates random science papers without much context. The conventions I noticed were good formatting and the separation of ideas (introduction, methodology, implementation and analysis). 

I also noticed that the paper consisted of diagrams and charts that supported the point they were trying to make. Lastly, the generator included their related work to bring light to their other projects as well as references to show where they acquired some of their experimental ideas.  

The second generator I looked into was a meme generator. Before actually looking around the site, I already had an idea about what the website would consist of because memes are always used on social media. A meme could be a gif or a still image that contains a funny caption intended to make someone laugh. The caption is usually a statement that almost everyone can relate to. 

Image result for when your mom memeImage result for shook meme

 The third generator I used was a comic strip generator. This particular generator generated random comic strips with various themes. A typical comic strip is colorful, short, tells a story, has some type of action, easy to read, and somewhat humorous. 

The last generator I chose to do was a social media bio generator. Before I examined the site, I assumed that the generator would generate a short, funny, and random bio. When messing around with it, my assumption was right. It generated short bios that were intended to be humorous and weird. 

As you can see, there are many types of genres out there and each has its own set of particular conventions. Knowing the conventions that each genre consists of can help someone easily understand the genre. For example, you can see that a meme, bio, and  comic strip all have the conventions that are intended to make the audience laugh but in different ways. Knowing that a comic strip has a story telling aspect while a meme does not can help you distinguish the two. On the other hand, with the science paper, knowing that a science paper consist of a more formal presentation and is more structured than the others you can easily tell the purpose of the paper and the particular point it is trying to convey. 

Thursday, August 30, 2018

PB1A-- Youtube Bios

My textual genre is a youtube bio. The youtube bios I will be analyzing are bios from my favorite youtubers: Casey Neistat, Peter McKinnon, and Matt D'Avella. All have a large social media presence. Before reading the bios, I said that a youtube bio would consist of the following conventions: an introduction (their name, where they are from and age), what content they will be posting, a short interesting fact about themselves, and the equipment they use to shoot their videos.

Casey Neistat's bio had most of the conventions I listed and then some. In Casey's bio, he included his name, where he is from and his age. He also included the equipment he used but did not include the type of content that will be posted on his channel. Lastly, he added an interesting fact about himself. A convention that was included in his bio that I did not list was links to his other social medias.

Matt D'Avella's bio included his name, what type of person he is, and a background of his previous works and what he will be posting about. He also included the convention I missed: links to his other social medias- like Casey. Peter did not include his age or where he is from nor did he include the equipment he uses to make videos.

Peter McKinnon's bio was pretty short. He included an interesting fact about himself (he drinks lots of coffee). He also stated what content will consist of (vlogs). Peter did not include where he was from, his age, or the equipment he uses to make videos.

The purpose of a Youtube bio is to catch a viewer's attention and help them decide if they will want to watch or not. For example, an inspiring vlogger would probably check out some of McKinnon's videos simply because he included he is a very successful vlogger. A Youtube bio also help the viewer know a little more about the creator they are viewing. By including names, ages, and where you're from more of a connection can be formed. The tones and styles are different between each YouTuber based on the type of person they are (personality wise).

Thursday, August 23, 2018


My annotations consist of underlining, circling, stars, sad faces, smiley faces. When I underline a statement I usually link it to what I think the statement means or my thoughts on the statement. I circle a word when I dont know what it means. My stars indicate that the statement is interesting. Lastly, my smiley faces shows that I agree with the statement while my sad faces show that I disagree with the statement.

Raet- highlight
           -new words (same but cirlce)
           -recommendations (i dont do this, maybe i should)
          -interesting ideas
          -things she agreed with (same but with smiley faces)
         -words she didnt know ( i do the same for words i dont know)

Hey! My name is Akeymah but most people call me by my social media username, ‘Keymerz’. I am originally from West Oak Lane Philadelphia but went to school in New Jersey. Growing up, I was pretty active. I cheered for the West Oak Lane Wildcats, played basketball, softball and ran track as well. Along with my interest in sports, I was also interested in crime. I know I know sounds crazy, right? Don’t worry, I wasn’t interested in comiting crimes I was always interested in why and how people committed certain crimes. I would always watch shows like CSI, Law and Order, NCIS, etc. As I got older I started to make sense of my interest in crime and came up with the idea to major in Forensic Psychology. Majoring in Forensic Psychology will hopefully give me the skills to finally answer my questions about how and why people commit the crimes they do. Ok, that’s enough of the typical “spill”